The Power of Yet
July 14, 2022

The Power of Yet

How are you, beautiful?

The sun is shining, and it can make it much easier to feel positive about a lot of things in life, but I realise it isn’t always that easy.

I was thinking recently about all the things that I have achieved when it comes to learning to love my skin, putting together The Beauty of Eating Well™ cookbook, writing The Beauty of Eczema™ book and creating my amazing The Beauty of Eczema™ skincare range.

If you had told me 10 years ago that I would be where I am now, I might never have believed you. I still had a long journey to go on, and I wasn’t there… yet!

Overcoming obstacles

We all have to go on journeys in our life. They might be to learn to live with our skin conditions, lose weight, overcome emotional problems or start a new career, but much of the time we can be guilty of putting obstacles in the way that stop us from achieving things that really are within our grasp.

  •       I can’t apply for that job because I don’t have the right experience.
  •       I can’t improve my skin because I don’t have the right products.
  •       I haven’t met the love of my life.
  •       I haven’t found the right diet.

These are not excuses, but they are blockages which can often stop us from achieving what we deserve and living our best lives. However, there is a way to change that mindset and it just takes one simple word.

The Power of Yet

The word “yet” seems so simple, and maybe even feels as though it is a delaying tactic, but it is actually a huge tool when it comes to creating a sense of positivity. Think about it: the word yet means good things are coming for you, they just aren’t here yet. Look at the statements above again and see how they change when you add one word.

  •       I can’t apply for that job because I don’t have the right experience YET!
  •       I can’t improve my skin because I don’t have the right products YET!
  •       I haven’t met the love of my life YET!
  •       I haven’t found the right diet YET!

Whatever you are struggling with, you can add the word “yet” to it and completely change the mood of the sentence. When you think about your obstacles in these terms, they start to feel as though they can be overcome after all. So, let me know what you can change in your life by adding the word “yet”.

If you haven’t found the right skincare yet, then maybe today is the day that changes. Take a look at The Beauty of Eczema™ products and see how they can change your skin and your life. Buy it now: HERE

Lots of love and positive vibes, Camille xx